What have you forgotten?

5:41 AM Unknown 0 Comments

In my previous post I was talking about the idea of transformation.  The evolution of self.

What does an ADHD & Nutrition Coach care about a persons internal messaging system?  What does any of this have to do with the other?  Lets explore that a minute...

I want you today, to take notice of your thoughts.  When you are trying something new or perhaps don't do something as well as you hoped, I want you to listen to the inner dialog you have with yourself around that.

What are you feeding yourself?  Are the messages negative?  Do they call you stupid or do they say things like, "There you go again, delving into something you had no business trying...".  Maybe you feel a great deal of fear in trying something new?  Perhaps the inner story is one of doubt and feeling incapable to even try.

Many times we allow these inner stories to play and re-play without any acknowledgement of them being there in the first place.  They are so comfortable.  These stories come from our past, fed to us by the environment around us.  If we have a big event in our lives it leaves its imprint on us in a very lasting way.

Part of my work with clients is to figure out what they've forgotten about themselves.  Too many times the ghosts of the past get in the way of all the good we've done on this planet.  It gets in the way of all the shiny nuggets you are entitled to remember about ourselves.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. ~ Maya Angelou

The reason we sit and explore your amazing history is to show you what you already have in you, that which you may have forgotten.  It is your proof.  I help keep the waters clear so you can see yourself perfectly.

What would happen to one of my clients, wanting to make change in terms of diet or life functions, armed with the understanding of WHO they truly are?



Transformation - To Go Beyond Your Current Form

1:06 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Our whole spiritual transformation brings us to the point where we realize that in our own being, we are enough. ~ Ram Dass

I've come to realize that when a client comes to see me they are in the midst of personal transformation.  It's a pretty big step, and one that rarely gets the acknowledgement it deserves.  Anytime someone is seeking answers, challenging their existence as it is now, they are on the road of change.

Change is uncomfortable.  It itches and chafes, makes us feel things we'd really rather not and most greatly we feel the fear of "not knowing".  When we start the questioning and observing of what we currently believe it can leave us a little shaken.  THAT IS NORMAL.  To admit that we feel inferior, undeserving, unworthy, unable or without value, are things we'd rather allow cycle around in our minds, as it's familiar. 

Fear, to a great extent, is born of the stories we tell ourselves. ~ Cheryl Strayed

This, I think, is why Nutrition Coaching is not about the food, wholeheartedly.  It's not about the measurement of calories, entirely.  It's not about what diet to subscribe to or what pill to choke down.  It is my absolute belief that to make any lasting changes, it starts with the acknowledgement of the stories we believe to be true.  We aren't always conscious of them.  They are so familiar we don't hear them whisper in our ears and shape our habits and decision making.  We don't always see the sabotaging they do to our efforts and our growth.

Coaches are there to help you see, expose you to new possibilities about yourself, and most excitingly of all... help you uncover the abilities and virtues you already have.  That greatness which has been trapped under a lot of debris, waiting to be freed.  This has very little to do with Nutrition.  It is about Personal Transformation and the understanding that you are deserving of that.

Anyone can make better choices, once they uncover the factual stories of WHO they are on this planet.