A World Full of Stress - Let's Get Moving!

6:20 AM Unknown 0 Comments

We've read it a million times, 'Stop the Glorification of Busy'.  In our ever connected state of being we see this busy all the time, we feel this busy all the time.

Busy for me feels like a million lists in my head and the stress of trying to figure out how to accomplish it all.  How to juggle children, family, home in the mix of growing a business.  At the end of the day I feel zapped and draggy and just, STRESSED.

Feeling stressed can have many different effects on the body: weight gain due to sugary cravings brought on by stress chemicals circulating around in our delicate and sensitive systems, mood changes (such as irritability, anger and hopelessness), fatigue due to the level of clenching and tightness the body does during stressful times and mental sluggishness, to name just a few.

There are many things that we can do to correct this state of being.  The one I like the most and have used the most is exercise.  There is nothing on the planet that I find to be more of a stress buster and mood enhancer that this.  What is it about exercise that can change our Attitudes (the A in L.E.A.N.)?

From an article by Dr. Sears: "Exercise is not only good for the body, it’s great for the brain. The brain is an oxygen hog, which is why it takes 25 percent of the blood that the heart pumps (more in children). Exercise delivers more oxygen to the brain and helps all tissue, especially brain tissue, use oxygen more efficiently, which translates into better thinking. Pumping more blood to the brain stimulates the release of a group of neurochemicals, collectively called brain growth factors, which increase the production of neurotransmitters and make more receptor sites for these brain messengers to land on. Exercise is not only nature’s smart drug, it’s also nature’s Prozac. By stimulating the release of endorphins, exercise beefs up the body’s own “feel good” hormones. Endorphins are most stimulated by exercise and laughter. And the good-feeling effects of these hormones last about as long as a pill, four to six hours after exercise, and without the unpleasant medical side effects. Therapists have long prescribed exercise to pull people out of the pits of depression. So, exercise not only burns fat, it burns stress, too."

I know the thoughts of exercise during a stressful time in your life seems like the worst possible idea.  You'd likely rather just sit on the couch and watch a show or grab some treats to pick yourself up.  My challenge to you is this, rather than doing the same old habit, get up and go for a speed walk.  Get your heart rate up!  This doesn't need to be complicated and it doesn't need to take hours in a gym.  Just get outside and breathe. When you return your body will feel more relaxed,  your mind less cluttered and your mood calmer.

Photo credit: http://bestwalkingfeet.com/


What does L.E.A.N. mean?

1:50 PM Unknown 0 Comments

We hear many catch phrases as it relates to the fitness and nutrition industry.  The word "lean" is one of them.  What does it mean in terms of the L.E.A.N. programs available at Breaking Barriers Coaching?  L.E.A.N. is an acronym for Lifestyle (how you live), Exercise (how you move), Attitude (how you think) and Nutrition (how you eat).  These are the 4 pillars of health that all of the programs through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute are based on.

Each program uses the acronym a little differently though as the needs for each group are varying in their needs.   It is important to mention there are no products being sold or special diets to incorporate during ANY of these workshops.  These workshops are ALL educationally based and affordable for all groups because of it.

The L.E.A.N Essentials Program is for caregivers who have children ages 3 - 12 years old.  If you aren't sure if you have the time to commit to the 3 or 6 week L.E.A.N. Start Program or perhaps you've seen and heard it all and nothing has really 'worked' for you or your family and are feeling skeptical... Or it just seems like too much to try and figure out and you are feeling somewhat overwhelmed.  Whatever the reason this 2 hour, one time workshop is for you!

The L.E.A.N. Start Program is for caregivers who have children ages 3 - 12 years old.  This 3 or 6 week program is unique as it focuses on the caregiver learning about the right nutrition for their children's growing body in a way that is simple and easy to implement.  It is all about education and using what the caregiver knows already and building on it.  Just healthy, nutrient dense foods from the grocery stores they presently shop from.  They become a wise consumer and their child's advocate! L.E.A.N. in this case means that you are strong and healthy.

L.E.A.N. Expectations is a 3 part workshop for expectant mothers.  It focuses on helping mothers have a healthy pregnancy, a safe birth and a smooth transition into motherhood. L.E.A.N. in this setting refers to how you choose to divide your time and the daily choices you make, being physically active during your pregnancy, keeping a positive mental outlook and the body's intake of nutrients to foster optimal health.

Lastly is the Prime Time Program.  This workshop is designed for anyone in their 40's right up to 60+.  L.E.A.N. in this setting relates to the body using it's own internal pharmacy and its ability to do so.  This helps with the prevention of disease and injury or the repair of problems already present.

Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude and Nutrition are applicable to all ages and stages of life.  These programs acknowledge that and teach individuals how to consistently apply them for optimal health.


Newly Branded but NOT to Nutrition!

3:49 PM Unknown 1 Comments

I've recently passed my certification to be a Dr. Sears L.E.A.N. Start Coach.  I couldn't be more excited!

Source: http://coachfederation.org/blog/index.php/4411/

Food has always been a passion of mine, understanding the connection it has to our performance both physically and mentally.  Learning  has also been experiential in the pursuit of my own understanding, so try, try, try is my motto! Having delved into a number of food systems and tried them on for size I can say I've learned a lot of interesting things.  Just a few off the top of my head: isolating one food or type of food has it's dangers if not well read, to follow that up... not everything you read is true (seems like a no brainer I'm sure!), and not every method out there is going to be a great fit for every body.

So with the above ideas firmly etched in my mind I looked for a certification program that was EASY for the person learning the information to incorporate in their own busy life.  The Dr. Sears L.E.A.N. Programs are just that, easy to use, understand and implement.  The program needed to be focused on food, JUST food.  I wasn't interested in selling anyone ANYTHING.  I just wanted a clear way to educate without feeling like I had a motive for my suggestions.  The client's health and that of their family is what concerns me.  With my Dr. Sears Certification I get to educate; no selling of products or shakes with lofty claims and even loftier price tags.

I wanted a program I believed in and would be proud to sing from the roof tops;  I found that too.  My clients will be eating whole, nutrient dense foods, found in their own grocery stores, armed with knowledge to protect their loved ones.  Who wouldn't want a job like that?!