Transformation - To Go Beyond Your Current Form
I've come to realize that when a client comes to see me they are in the midst of personal transformation. It's a pretty big step, and one that rarely gets the acknowledgement it deserves. Anytime someone is seeking answers, challenging their existence as it is now, they are on the road of change.Our whole spiritual transformation brings us to the point where we realize that in our own being, we are enough. ~ Ram Dass
Change is uncomfortable. It itches and chafes, makes us feel things we'd really rather not and most greatly we feel the fear of "not knowing". When we start the questioning and observing of what we currently believe it can leave us a little shaken. THAT IS NORMAL. To admit that we feel inferior, undeserving, unworthy, unable or without value, are things we'd rather allow cycle around in our minds, as it's familiar.
Fear, to a great extent, is born of the stories we tell ourselves. ~ Cheryl Strayed
This, I think, is why Nutrition Coaching is not about the food, wholeheartedly. It's not about the measurement of calories, entirely. It's not about what diet to subscribe to or what pill to choke down. It is my absolute belief that to make any lasting changes, it starts with the acknowledgement of the stories we believe to be true. We aren't always conscious of them. They are so familiar we don't hear them whisper in our ears and shape our habits and decision making. We don't always see the sabotaging they do to our efforts and our growth.

Anyone can make better choices, once they uncover the factual stories of WHO they are on this planet.
Amy May
ADHD Coach - ADD Academy | Certified Dr. Sears Health Coach | Early Childhood Educator Breaking Barriers Coaching As an ADHD Coach and Certified Health Coach, trained by the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, Amy has the ability to help those with ADHD on different levels. She helps you to build personal goals around areas of strength and to support the unique brain wiring of all clients. Creating the life you envision for yourself is the goal of coaching! Looking at nutrition she helps families and individuals implement an easy to follow lifestyle that helps you tackle food marketing, labelling and choosing foods easily. When what we eat is inline so too is the proper functioning of our neurological pathways, this is of huge benefit with for those with ADHD. While diet won’t be a ‘cure’ it is a huge factor in symptom management and overall wellness. Email: Website: |