Discomfort is more than a feeling, it's a sign of change...
With change underway in a big way over here I have come up against one
When we stay stuck we don't have to progress forward. We get to hang on to our old beliefs and stay 'comfortable'. Change can be a really irritating, uncomfortable, world altering time.
Pema Chodron, is an American, Tibetan Buddhist and an ordained nun. For those of you who are not familiar with her she is one of the most down to earth, has 'been there and done that' women on the planet. Yes she is a Buddhist nun but she has also been married twice, has children and grandchildren and so in her own way understands what the populous goes through on a daily basis.
She recorded this 4 minute video (found below) about change and by how we speak, act and think we create our own possibilities (good, bad or ugly). How to make friends with the discomfort of change, so change can happen. Video quality isn't great due to a power outage they had at the time but the message is sound.
Many times, coaching brings about that discomfort she talks about here. It is in that space though that we take the boundaries we have surrounded ourselves in and help them to expand.
Think of a baby learning to walk. They get up and hang on, with wobbly legs, and take a step, and then two, three and so it goes. Along the way they fall and it hurts, in their uncomfortable state though, they receive love and care and encouragement to continue. Before you know it that toddler is off and running, and everyone else just needs to KEEP UP.
It seems though, the longer we exist on this planet, the more stuck we can become. We get really uncomfortable with that forward movement and our ability lean INTO it. What I would ask you is:
How would your life be different if you were okay with being uncomfortable?Coaching helps you to explore the barriers to change you have in place. It empowers you, comforts you and motivates you to seek out the change you have been avoiding for so long. So that you too will be that running toddler everyone is trying to keep up with!
-What would your life look like if you could get to work on time?
-What would it look like if you could makes steps towards getting a business going?
-What would it look like if you could honour yourself and your need for growth, as a stay at home parent?
-What would it look like as a person with ADHD if you could work WITH your unique brain wiring, rather than fight it?
All this to explore and more. Like the quote below suggests our brain really wants to keep us safe from things which make us fearful/uncomfortable. Pause and realize that not all discomfort is something to be avoided. When we dig deep and find the courage to say, "I want more...", we arrive closer to our own truths.
Amy May
ADHD Coach - ADD Academy | Certified Dr. Sears Health Coach | Early Childhood Educator Breaking Barriers Coaching As an ADHD Coach and Certified Health Coach, trained by the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, Amy has the ability to help those with ADHD on different levels. She helps you to build personal goals around areas of strength and to support the unique brain wiring of all clients. Creating the life you envision for yourself is the goal of coaching! Looking at nutrition she helps families and individuals implement an easy to follow lifestyle that helps you tackle food marketing, labelling and choosing foods easily. When what we eat is inline so too is the proper functioning of our neurological pathways, this is of huge benefit with for those with ADHD. While diet won’t be a ‘cure’ it is a huge factor in symptom management and overall wellness. Email: amy.may@breakingbarrierscoaching.com Website: www.breakingbarrierscoaching.com |