What does L.E.A.N. mean?
We hear many catch phrases as it relates to the fitness and nutrition industry. The word "lean" is one of them. What does it mean in terms of the L.E.A.N. programs available at Breaking Barriers Coaching? L.E.A.N. is an acronym for Lifestyle (how you live), Exercise (how you move), Attitude (how you think) and Nutrition (how you eat). These are the 4 pillars of health that all of the programs through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute are based on.Each program uses the acronym a little differently though as the needs for each group are varying in their needs. It is important to mention there are no products being sold or special diets to incorporate during ANY of these workshops. These workshops are ALL educationally based and affordable for all groups because of it.
The L.E.A.N Essentials Program is for caregivers who have children ages 3 - 12 years old. If you aren't sure if you have the time to commit to the 3 or 6 week L.E.A.N. Start Program or perhaps you've seen and heard it all and nothing has really 'worked' for you or your family and are feeling skeptical... Or it just seems like too much to try and figure out and you are feeling somewhat overwhelmed. Whatever the reason this 2 hour, one time workshop is for you!

Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude and Nutrition are applicable to all ages and stages of life. These programs acknowledge that and teach individuals how to consistently apply them for optimal health.
Amy May
ADHD Coach - ADD Academy | Certified Dr. Sears Health Coach | Early Childhood Educator Breaking Barriers Coaching As an ADHD Coach and Certified Health Coach, trained by the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, Amy has the ability to help those with ADHD on different levels. She helps you to build personal goals around areas of strength and to support the unique brain wiring of all clients. Creating the life you envision for yourself is the goal of coaching! Looking at nutrition she helps families and individuals implement an easy to follow lifestyle that helps you tackle food marketing, labelling and choosing foods easily. When what we eat is inline so too is the proper functioning of our neurological pathways, this is of huge benefit with for those with ADHD. While diet won’t be a ‘cure’ it is a huge factor in symptom management and overall wellness. Email: amy.may@breakingbarrierscoaching.com Website: www.breakingbarrierscoaching.com |