To the over worked adult... give yourself permission to STOP and read this.

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To all the working, exhausted, trying to do 100% of all things people out there, please take this minute and read.

There will likely never be another time when you are so busy as you are right now.  You are potentially juggling a job or a business you own, children, home demands, money challenges and the stress of making it all happen. 

The reality is something has to give and I know many people unknowingly make their nutrition and exercise the sacrificial lamb. By that I mean, these are the areas in our lives we let go by the wayside because other things are deemed more important.  I'm not going to sit here and suggest that our life's work, whether that is raising our children, starting a business or advancing our career is unimportant and shouldn't have a priority. 

The question becomes though:

Can you contribute to your life in all it's forms when you are sick and exhausted?

What stories are you telling yourself that hold you back?
  1. I'm too tired
  2. There isn't enough time in the day
  3. I have way too much to do
  4. My kids come first
  5. I work too much overtime
This list is not exhaustive but it hits on some key areas of challenge, that are not made up, but are very real in all our lives.  How do we include ourselves in this list of challenge to ensure our health and wellness?

When looking at ways to change the story you may have to alter your expectations of yourself. Perhaps rather than thinking working out needs to be at a gym lifting iron, just get out for a 20 minute walk each day.  Or maybe join a Zumba class and enjoy the laughter and music for an hour a week.  You don't need to train like an Olympic athlete.  Find something - anything - you can do at home like exercise band workouts or fun movement based video games to connect and enjoy with your family.

 Give yourself the GIFT of movement to ensure you can manage the obligations of your daily life.  Movement is a stress reliever and can be as good as many antidepressants available on the market today!

Another dropped area is Nutrition.  Put your meal and snack times in your CALENDAR!  If you are like me and get so hyper-focused that you forget to eat, PLAN FOR IT!  Pack snacks daily so you have a constant supply of foods picked for you, by you.  I will tell you right now you can't operate a business or create a life of abundance without making your health and wellness a priority.

Lousy Nutrition = Lousy Performance